Buyer Information
A Buyer is a person who buys produce from a Wholesaler, Grower or a Grower Agent from
within the South Australian Produce Market. Members of the public are not permitted
to access the South Australian Produce Market.
We welcome a range of buyers to the Market whether you are a greengrocer, a Café or restaurant, Sporting club etc if you are looking for Wholesale Produce then the Market is the right place for you.
At the South Australia Produce Market buyers have access to purchase Wholesale Produce from our 44 Wholesale Stores and 36 Local SA Growers.
Buying: Buyers have access to walk the Market Square to view and order produce, alternatively you can pre order your produce via the Fresho app – a pre-ordering system provided to all market buyers.
Payment: Each Wholesaler and Grower have their own preferred payment options which can include cash, eftpos or the on-site Credit Service which allows buyers to purchase from multiple wholesalers and growers and then pay one consolidated account.
Parking: A Buyer is provided with parking on site for your vehicle no matter how big or small. Ensure to provide your vehicle details in your registration so we can assist with providing you a suitable park.
Transport: Buyers that can not get to the market to transport their orders can arrange for produce to be collected on your behalf by a transport company, assistance with this can be provided upon registration if required.
Loading Your Order: As a buyer, it is your responsibility to load your vehicle with your order. If you need to bring a forklift to site you will need to rent a forklift shed if leaving it on site. However, not all buyers have their own forklift and it may be possible to request assistance from your Wholesalers & Growers when they deliver the produce to your vehicle.
Marketing Support for Retailers: Retail buyers are entitled to leverage the Pick a Local, Pick SA! A Better Choice retailer marketing initiative. You can find out more details here.
To be eligible for the Buyer category you will require;
• Hold an account with South Australian Produce Market
• ABN Registration
• Public Liability Insurance $20M
• Employees to complete Site Inductions (instructions on how to do this will be sent once
registration is complete)• Abide by the Market Regulations (included in Site Induction)
An example of an early buyer customer: Retail store
An Early Buyer account includes the following;
• Annual access to South Australian Produce Market subject to access times
(subject to change);• Allocated parking bay
• Single Access ID Card
$3,708.77 Early Buyer Registration Fees per year including GST (invoiced quarterly)
$25.00 Access ID Card once-off setup fee (per card if more than one)
Fee for additional card holders (employees of buyer)
$25.00 Access ID Card once-off setup fee (per card if more than one)
$60.00 Access ID Card site access invoiced twice yearly, total of $120.00 per annum (per card if more than one)
Please note these Buyer categories and prices are correct at July 2023 and are subject to change at any time. All prices include GST.
An example of a late buyer customer: Café / Restaurant, Small Retail Store
A Late Buyer account includes the following;
• Annual access to South Australian Produce Market subject to the access times
(subject to change);• Non-reserved parking
• Single Access ID Card
$1,073.38 Buyer registration fee per year including GST (invoiced twice yearly )
$25.00 Access ID Card once-off setup fee (per card if more than one)
$25.00 Access ID Card site access (per card if more than one)
Fee for additional card holders (employees of buyer)
$25.00 Access ID Card once-off setup fee (per card if more than one)
$25.00 Access ID Card site access (per card if more than one)
Please note these Buyer categories and prices are correct at July 2023 and are subject to change at any time. All prices include GST.
Online Pre-Ordering
Fresho is an online ordering platform for pre-orders at the South Australian Produce Market.
This service is offered at no cost to all buyers at the market.
Pick a Local, Pick SA!
All buyers at the market with a retail offering have access to the marketing campaign Pick a Local, Pick SA! which is cobranded with the National Retailer Program – A Better Choice.
Details of how to get involved can be found on the Pick a Local, Pick SA! website.
The wholesale Price Reporting Service is responsible for collecting daily pricing and availability data from wholesalers and growers from within the South Australian Produce Market.
This service is a valuable independent tool for the horticulture industry, especially in those sectors where total impartiality is essential.
Wholesale price reports are used by the industry to validate the price range for produce and growers can also access this information to assess the scope of their returns.
Buyers and growers are the key elements to ensuring the highest level of accuracy and they are also the greatest beneficiaries.
The vast majority of our clients are growers who supply wholesalers based in the South Australian Produce Market.
The process of compiling the market wholesale price report is attained by speaking with sellers and confirming the information with buyers.
This allows for first hand sighting of produce to assist in the correct determination of packaging, description and product classification.
The information is sourced when market trading is being finalised to capture closed sales data and from this, comprehensive reports can be compiled and distributed early on the same day.
The finalised report is sent to Ausmarket in Queensland who collect reports from most other wholesale markets to form a national wholesale price report.
The South Australian information is then on-sold to the Market Fresh SA client base as daily, weekly and monthly reports and can be tailored to a specific product range as required. Historical data is also available on request.
For details, or to subscribe, please contact Wendy wendy@saproducemarket.com.au