Contractor Information
A Contractor is a person who comes to the South Australian Produce Market
to undertake works on behalf of the Market or the tenants within.
Registering your business with SA Produce Market will allow the Market
and its tenants to use your services on site.
Businesses not registered will not be permitted to enter site
A “Contractor” means
a Person contracted or otherwise invited by SAPML to provide services within or in respect of the Market this can include but not limited to cleaners, plumbers, electricians, printer repairs, signage etc.
Contractors must comply with applicable responsibilities as identified in:
1. Work Health and Safety Act 2012 and Regulations (South Australia) Part 2 – Health and Safety duties Divisions 1, 2 and 3
2. South Australian Sewerage Act, the Environment Protection Act, Regulations and Policies
3.The business must be registered with the South Australian Produce Market
Contractor Requirements
• Contractors are required to register their business with SAPML
• Have a registered ABN
• Public Liability insurance (minimum $20million)
• Employees to complete Site Inductions (instructions on how to do this will be sent once
registration is complete)• Abide by the Market Regulations (included in Site Induction)
Attending a Job at the Market
• You must sign in at the Gatehouse (Burma Road)
• Permits must be requested upon sign in for works being conducted that include:
Hot works
Confined spaces
Working at heights
• Contractors must have valid licences available to show upon sign in
Disclaimer: Contractors and their employees or sub-contractors are to be physically capable and fit, skilled, instructed and supervised to perform their assigned tasks. In the event of any accidents or mishaps or other incidents, the contractor and their employees or sub-contractors must not provide information news or media or other external parties except when legally required to do so.
• Contractors must be aware of and comply with SAPM policies, visitor site safety rules and
instructions at all times. Acceptance of these conditions includes acceptance of Operating
Articles and Market Rules.• Contractors may be requested and will be expected to participate in SAPM Risk
Assessments, provide their own Job Safety Analysis prior to commencement of site activity.• All injuries, accidents, illnesses, safety and environment concerns are to be reported to the
SAPM Facilities & Compliance Assistant or other authorised SAPM personnel whilst on site. :• Suitable personal protective equipment must be used to prevent injury or accidents. A
day/night safety vest that complies with Australian Standards AS/NZS 4602:1999 MUST be
worn at ALL times whilst on site.• Vehicle speed limits on the premises must be obeyed as signposted. SAPM have a
calibrated Laser Gun that is regularly used on the site. Vehicles must be parked or
positioned as agreed with SAPM management.• Hazardous Substances – Contractors must advise the company in writing, details of any
prescribed hazardous substances to be used prior to them being brought on site. Current
Material Safety Data Sheets must be available at/near points of use at all times.• No fumes or other air contaminants are to be released to atmosphere unless greed by
SAPM management or through the proper assessment of risk.• Smoking is not allowed in any enclosed areas. Illegal drugs and alcohol must not be
brought on site. Random breath testing occurs on this site.• Noise emission levels are not to be exceeded legal limits of 85Dba unless all affected
personnel use suitable, approved personal protective equipment.• No waste liquids or solids are to enter the storm water drains. No contaminants are to
enter the drainage and sewerage systems other than those permitted by the Sewerage Act.
Contractors must report all spills that could affect safety or the environment to SAPM
management immediately.• Contractors are to keep work areas tidy, hygienic and clear of waste. All waste generated
by the Contractor must be removed from the site for proper disposal by them. No Waste is
to be brought onto the site.• A Confined Space permit is required prior to entry to any designated confined space.
• Contractor owned equipment must comply with applicable electrical and other safety
standards and be safely stored when not in use, to prevent unauthorized access and use.• All Contractors and their employees must have appropriate licenses when on site. e.g.
Forklift, motor vehicle, elevated working platform, electrical, asbestos etc. and all vehicles
MUST be registered.• No children or animals are to be brought on site.
• Contractors must be aware of emergency procedures and in the event of fire or other
emergency, follow the instructions of SAPM responsible personnel for orderly evacuation
and control.• When welding, cutting, grinding or other “hot” work is involved, the Contractor is responsible
for ensuring that adequate safeguards are in place to prevent fire, accident, injury and
adverse effect on the environment. This type of work cannot begin until relevant permits
have been completed and conditions have been agreed with the Maintenance Coordinator
or Team Leader• Contractors and employees must operate in a safe manner that does not endanger SAPM
and other personnel in any way, or cause accidents and incidents. This includes the use of
suitable barriers and warning signage to prevent unauthorized access to a hazardous work
area, when applicable.
Register as a Contractor
Once our staff have setup your registration, we will contact you to arrange your inductions and site access.