Wholesaler Information

Wholesaler is a person who is a wholesaler of produce in the market and who is a Lessee holding
a lease with South Australian Produce Market which contains the permitted use of
a Wholesaler but who is not a Buyer with warehouse facilities, a distribution centre Lessee,
a Grower or a Grower/Agent.

A wholesaler is a person who carries on a business of a wholesale merchant selling fruit, vegetables, nuts and dried foods, flowers, eggs and associated products including sauces, jams and other condiments and all other value added food lines associated with fresh fruit and vegetables by wholesale at a premises within the South Australian Produce Market.

When a premises becomes available we will provide details on our website home page under the
heading Leasing.

When this is not visible we do not have any available leasing opportunities on site.

If you would like to express your interest please complete the below form to send to our property team to notify of your intent.